Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Well, I know i'm supposed to get on the scale this morning, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it! My heart doesn't seem to be in it this time around, and I WANT it to be! I'm not sure what to do!! I'm thinking about joining WW Online and hope that helps! Does anyone else utilize the online program? Any pointers to help me get back on track? Man, I hope so! I definitely cut down on the bread this week. I bought the English Muffins and used those, mostly. I cheated more than I wanted to this week, which is another reason I'm fighting the scale! UGH!
My niece called this week and said she is getting married May 23rd, 2008. That gives me the time frame to lose everything I want to lose, but it's not helping!! UGH, I just want to cry and eat something terrible! Instead, I will go heat up my WW angel hair marinara or whatever it's called! I have off Sunday from both jobs and I AM going to do the little quiz thing from you, SuperJayman, PROMISE! Hopefully, I'll be able to figure out creating my page a little better, too!
Well, gotta go, still working and don't want to get into trouble!

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